Sermon – Corona Chronicles 2: (Ep.47) The Unexpected Messiah (Mark 9:8 – 9:13) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Corona Chronicles 2: (Ep.47) The Unexpected Messiah

Various speakers, Mark 9:8 - 9:13, 9 October 2020

The mountain experience is over, and Peter and his fellow disciples are left reflecting on what has just happened. Ben and Dean discuss the conversation they have with Jesus.
Mark 9:8-13

Mark 9:8 - 9:13

And suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only.

And as they were coming down the mountain, he charged them to tell no one what they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10 So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead might mean. 11 And they asked him, “Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?” 12 And he said to them, “Elijah does come first to restore all things. And how is it written of the Son of Man that he should suffer many things and be treated with contempt? 13 But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they did to him whatever they pleased, as it is written of him.”


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So we've just had the the transfiguration, this amazing incident on the top of a mountain where Jesus is with Peter James and John, and he is transfigured before their eyes. He goes dazzling white. His glory is revealed. And Moses and Elijah appear and speak with him. Which is an amazing testimony from the old testament saying Jesus is the 1 we were talking about the whole time.

And God disappeared and said, this is my son whom I love. Listen to him. And now the cloud disappears, Moses and Nigel have ever gone. And it's just jesus and the disciples again. And now they're about to come down the mountains.

So from verse 8, suddenly when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the son of man had risen from the dead. They kept the matter to themselves discussing what rising from the dead meant. And they asked him, why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first? Jesus replied, to be sure Elijah does come first and restores all things.

Why then is it written that the son of man must suffer much and be rejected? But I tell you Elijah has come and they have done to him everything they wish just as it was written about him. So the mountain top experience is over. Yep. Right?

Yep. Here comes the sort of, you know, the depression. Like, you've been on you've been on camps or on holidays. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Where where, you know, like you come back to earth for a month. And I I, you know, I can't I can't help but think that that Peter you know, he's in that sort of place right now. You know, coming coming that, you know, they look around suddenly and that, you know, there's no you know, Peter understands that yet, build intents would have been pointless, wouldn't it? You know? That was a stupid thing.

We're going we are going down the mountain. We're not staying up there forever. Yeah. But that's when the that's when the questions come, isn't it? That's when they start to sort of reflect on what's happened.

And then they start thinking, okay, I'll hold on a minute, you know. We we are expecting we've been talk from from, you know, when we were in Nappies that -- Mhmm. -- this When Messiah comes, he's gonna change everything, you know. Yeah. And they're expecting a political and a warrior leader -- Yeah.

-- like they're under the thumb. Here he is. Look at him. He's like, he's glowy. Yeah.

This is it. Just come down the mountain like this. And everyone will believe you, if you come down like this. They're thinking, goodness me. We thought, like, the stories of David in his glory days were amazing.

This is it -- Yeah. -- you know, you know, and and guess what, guess who the 3 commanders are gonna be, you know? The 3 generals. But that's not it's, you know, that that's that's that's not what it's not what it's about. Yeah.

You know, he and and that's that's so that's when Jesus starts to sort of discuss with them what is going on. Yeah. But interestingly, he tells them, don't tell anyone what you've seen until the son of man had risen from the dead. Yeah. Yeah.

Which is crazy because you think so Jesus is trying to teach people and and trying to show people that he's, you know, he's he's the son of God. But he he tells them, you know, don't share this until I get raised from the dead. It is a bit strange, isn't it? You know, because because I mean, again like Peter, especially, he's gonna wanna get back down to the other disciple. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I guess what happened. I don't know. Yeah.

You know, but no, that that is that's that's that's Jesus is saying, no. Don't don't do this. Yeah. You know, there's there's more to come. You don't understand yet.

That's right. Yeah. What what this is all about. Exactly. Yeah.

Yeah. And and I I love it. I love that this, they they're discussing these questions. What does rising from the deadening? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. And they're like, What? Yeah. What does Jesus mean?

Yeah. It doesn't mean a king of, you know, has any government to get all of the earth, like, And why is he gonna die? You know? Yeah. Yeah.

It wasn't this was this was something that, you know, Jesus started speaking plainly about you know, suffering and dying and, you know, being risen. So it's not like they've never heard this before, but they just don't get it. No. They they have they haven't got a category Yes. For for their messiah -- Yeah.

-- to, you know, to be a suffering messiah. That's right. And, you know, and and again, I love I love like, verses 12 going onwards and and Jesus is starting to say, look, that it's written about the son of man, he must suffer and be rejected. Mhmm. And you know, what he's doing there is he's saying, look, the whole old testament's about me, and you think you you think that the Messiah is is someone who is gonna be a conquering warrior.

But look, you know, that Moses prophesied, 1 that was like him that would come, you know, the prophet -- Mhmm. -- and and the suffering servant of Isaiah. Mhmm. And then Daniel 7, the the son of man. Yeah.

He's weaving all of these stitching them together. Yeah. These these these messiah prophecies, he's he's saying these aren't separate people. Right. This is 1 person.

This is me. Yeah. You know? And so so he's sort of revealing to them. Yeah.

He's given them a, you know, his first big sort what the bible's all about bible study, you know. And again, it's like, they're just, they're like, sheep, you know, they're like deers in their headlights. They just I've got clue what's going on. But he's been quite clear with them because he's saying that Elijah has already come. Yeah.

He he has come. So So now I have come because of eyes you, yeah, in the form, John the Baptist -- John the campus head away, you know? And so look, now I am the son of man. I will be raised from the dead because I will suffer and die. Yeah.

Yeah. And you can you can you can imagine, can't you? Like, once Jesus has been risen from the dead, and this holy spirit comes on the apostles. How exciting for them -- Yeah. -- to start to piece all that stuff together.

Yeah. For that. Yeah. Well, there is there is a there is a moment as well as in there where their eyes are opened and they understand, you know, like, you know, it is in that sort of post resurrection lube 24 sort of place, and then also it acts when the whole spirit comes. And you can tell Peter's had a complete, like, life change when he -- Yeah.

-- with writing his letter. That's right. And he's referring back to -- That's right. -- this moment and he's saying, look, you can trust the bible. Yeah.

You know? It's these aren't just made up stories. Right. These are, you know, we we were eyewitnesses of these things. We were eyewitnesses to the majesty to the voice.

From heaven. Yeah. You know, so you and, you know, you can trust you can trust the Bible to talk. It's all about Jesus. Yeah.

You know? This is great. Yeah. You know, Jesus Jesus is continuing to sort of reveal not just who he is but why he's come, you know. And again, like, these these these lads who have again, they've they've they've been raised with all of these stories, even they didn't get it.

Yeah. But what about you? Do you get it? Are you are you starting to piece together? Who Jesus is and why he's come?

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