Sermon – Corona Chronicles 2: (Ep.38) Crumbs Are Enough (Mark 7:24 – 7:29) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Sermon 38 of 91

Corona Chronicles 2: (Ep.38) Crumbs Are Enough

Various speakers, Mark 7:24 - 7:29, 18 September 2020

Tom and Dean look the story of a Greek woman who fell at the feet of Jesus, asking for healing for her daughter. Watch to find out how Jesus' shocking response isn't quite what it seems.
Mark 7:24-29

Mark 7:24 - 7:29

24 And from there he arose and went away to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered a house and did not want anyone to know, yet he could not be hidden. 25 But immediately a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell down at his feet. 26 Now the woman was a Gentile, a Syrophoenician by birth. And she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27 And he said to her, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” 28 But she answered him, “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” 29 And he said to her, “For this statement you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter.”


Transcript (Auto-generated)

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Welcome back to our last growing Chronicles for this week, and we are still in Mark chapter 7. We've thought a lot back hypocrisy about the true problem of humanity, which is our hearts, and I need to have our hearts washed clean. And now we're gonna meet a woman who really understood the heart of what Jesus was teaching or who who understood Jesus' doctrine, if you like of mankind. And this is Sarah Felician woman, and this is Mark 7 verse 24. Jesus led that place and went to the vicinity of tyre.

He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it, yet he could not keep his present secret. In fact, as soon as he heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit, came and fell at his feet. The woman was a great born in Syrian Finetia. She begs Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter. First, let the children eat all they want in total.

For it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it dogs. Lord, she replied even the doctor to the table, eat the children's crumbs. Then he told her for such a reply you may go. The demon has left your daughter. So she went home and found her child lying on the bed in the demon god.

Fantastic. What a great what a radio story? Is a great little story. And, you know, Jesus has left and he's gone to this vicinity of tyre. He's entered a house.

We don't know whose house it is. Why do we go there? Yeah. Why did he go there? Was he invited that he that he passed on in?

We don't know. But he's he he he can't keep present's secret. And there's a woman, this woman who hears about him, and she's got a very pressing need. Her little daughter is possessed with an impure spirit. We've seen that a number of times in Mark.

I'm a great people being possessed by evil and impure spirits. And she comes and she falls at his feet. So she's she's begging Jesus. She's heard that Jesus has come. Perhaps this is gonna be her 1 and only opportunity to help her daughter.

She she's rushing into the accident and the emergency department, carrying her daughter you know, up to the up to the desk, look, you know, please can you help. So she's a desperate woman who has come to Jesus on behalf of on behalf of her daughter. Yeah. And you and you you you again, like you would never ever expect this answer from Jesus. No.

This is the most politically incorrect -- Yeah. -- you know, like he just first let the children eat all they want. He told her for it's not right. To take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs. And so, like, back in that day, Jews and gentiles were were totally separate.

And the name for a gentile why the Jews was docked, wasn't it? And so, you know, Jesus is sort of taking he's taking a cultural name, and it's it's sort of using it here. Yeah. So you could, you know, like, it's Jesus being racist. Yeah.

Like, that's that's the kind of question that you sort of think. Like, what what's going on? You know? But and and I'm wondering about also the just cycles. They must have thought, oh, yes.

You know, like, there you go. It it goes Jesus -- Yeah. -- sticking that layer to you. Yeah. But, I mean, her her response is I think this is why he does it.

He he does this to to to draw out a response from her. Yeah. Because her response is absolutely incredible. She replied, even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs, you know. It's not a humble reply.

This is an amazing and faith and faithfulness. Yeah. She she understands her her place in the pecking order. Definitely. She's saying, yeah, she's really saying, look, or unblocked.

I I recognize that description of me. I I am unclean. I am a sinner. I don't have any birthright that makes me special. I don't have any special claim upon the promises of God.

Yeah. I'm not part of the historic people of God. You know, she recognizes that she she is nothing for her sake. Or even, you know, if she even doesn't sort of like go how dare you? No.

How dare you? I'm so offended. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

She's a storm off because, you know, because someone made a statement about her. She's like, no. No. You know, my need is greater than my because, you know, my opinion of myself, you know. Yes.

You can imagine her trying to sort of getting offended and trying to cancel Jesus. Yeah. Yeah. You know? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's a it's a it's a know, he does it he does it because he's testing her. And and she has to draw around.

Yeah. Draw around. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.

And and, you know, and he is you know, Jesus is not often bowled over by people's responses early. I mean, you know, think back to the last session. Yeah. You Why are you so dumb? He says to his disciples, man.

But but this 1, this woman, you know, he says for such a reply. You may go, the demon has left a door. You know, he's like, wow, you know? Are you seeing this? And, you know, the disciples, check this woman out.

I know. And this is this is a this is a this is an illustration. This is just classic how the gospels are written. Yeah. This is an illustration.

Of the teaching that Jesus has just been giving. So it's just said in our previous session that what defiles a person is what comes out of their heart, that there is essentially a heart problem with human race. And this woman recognizes that -- Yeah. -- she recognizes that she she is a singer. She is unclean.

She has been defiled to use Jesus' language. Yeah. But she needs the Savior's word in the Savior's help. Yeah. And in doing that, she puts herself at the other end of the spectrum from the pharisees -- Mhmm.

-- they thought that they were clean. They thought that they had the rights. They were the privileged people. Yeah. And outwardly, they look that way, but Jesus says inwardly, they were defiled.

Whereas this woman outwardly was defiled. Yeah. And yet inwardly at heart. Had recognized that and actually trusted trusted in Jesus. Yeah.

That should be fantastic. Yeah. It is. Yeah. And this this this is a, you know, this again is, you know, this is a challenge to us, isn't it?

Yeah. Is, you know, is is your attitude 1 of the the pharisees where you think you you have access or you you you know, your your model standing is gonna get you Yeah. Close to God. Yeah. Well, this is the moral standing that you need to, you know, this is the view of that of that sort of standard you have, you know?

Are you like this woman who is utterly humble who who who said, who doesn't say to Jesus, you know, like, I don't care what you say, I don't care what you think of me. She says, look, no, Jesus, he what he thinks of me is true, you know? I am a sinner. And yet, I know that I can eat from your table Jesus. You know, I know that I can I know that you're willing to help?

You're willing to to give me food that I need, you know? It is a challenge. Yeah. Yeah. You know, we are born into this entitlement culture, aren't we?

Where we believe that we are entitled to, you know, good successful prosperous that we're entitled to all kinds of things, and and that God should basically just get on and love us as we are. Yeah. You know, we're entitled to Hill. But we need to come to realize that the only thing we're entitled to is judgment. Yeah.

And and yet, God is God is gonna come, Jesus, simply gracious to us. Yeah. So this is really about recognizing that we are before the lord and falling at falling at his feet. Yeah.

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