Sermon – Corona Chronicles – The Lord’s Prayer: E4: God’s Priorities (Matthew 6:10 – 6:10) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Corona Chronicles - The Lord's Prayer

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Corona Chronicles - The Lord's Prayer: E4: God's Priorities

Various speakers, Matthew 6:10 - 6:10, 19 November 2020

The next part of The Lord's Prayer looks at God priorities. Today Tom and Pete discuss what we should be longing for, and asking for, as Christians.

Matthew 6:10

Matthew 6:10 - 6:10

10   Your kingdom come,
  your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.


Transcript (Auto-generated)

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Welcome back to Corona Chronicles and we're still thinking about the Lord's prayer and we've been moving very slowly through it and just enjoying the different aspects of this wonderful prayer together. And we're we're moving through now to verse 10. So we've thought about God as our father in heaven. We've talked about the first request. That his name might be revered as holy in the world and in our own lives.

And we're looking now in verse 10 about how Jesus expands that that idea. Our father in heaven hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Yeah. So I mean, you know, just sort of thinking about this prayer is is that a lot of this prayer is is is sort of re booting ourselves, isn't it? So, of course, we're asking the father, but we are actually asking the father to help us to be about what is the best thing to be about.

So, we've had hallowed be your name. Now, it's your kingdom come. You know, the kingly rule of God, your will be done. On Earth there? Is it in heaven?

In heaven, things are perfect. Mhmm. You know, God is is is perfectly seen as king. Yeah. His will is perfectly done in heaven.

And we're saying, hey, look, on earth, there's something wrong. Mhmm. There's something wrong with me, there's something wrong with this world, there's something wrong with, you know, all of us. And so we're saying, God, look, what what is so wonderful about where you are. That heaven is we want that here.

Yeah. And therefore, it's it's rebooting me into that. Is that Yes. Yeah. It's realigning us, isn't it, to to god's priorities in God's perspective.

And this is this is part all part of halloween his name, isn't it? So hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. And Jesus in this sermon is talking about the kingdom of God coming. So when Jesus comes and begins to claim the gospel. He declares that the kingdom of God has come among you.

And therefore, Jesus and the kingdom go together. So the way people come into the kingdom of God is by repentance and faith in Christ the King. And so this is a prayer for disciples. Your kingdom come. Lord, we want more peace to come under the loving rule of King Jesus.

We want more sinners to be saved and to recognize him as King. And when that happens, you'll is hallowed. Yeah. So when people ignore your son, your name is trodden through the mud. Yes.

Because because when people come when people are saved through Jesus, the king, when when people come to the king -- Mhmm. -- then they come into the family -- Yeah. -- therefore, they know God as father -- Yeah. -- and therefore his name is hallowed. Yeah.

So, you know, it also all goes together. Yeah. So so part of this prayer is is is definitely that that actually we will be about and the church will be about proclaiming the kingdom of of Christ. And so that's suddenly reset us to say -- Yeah. It does.

Yeah. -- so if you're praying this in the morning, you suddenly think hold it. Yeah. He's my father in heaven. Mhmm.

I want his name to be hallowed today. How's that gonna happen? Yeah. Yeah. Somehow, lord, I want people to come into your kingdom.

Yeah. And so suddenly I'm going to work as a sweeper, I'm sweeping the road. Yeah. And suddenly, I have wow. Yeah.

You know, I've got a task here to be praying for the people that are spitting their chewing gum down and, you know, me sweeping the road, I've got a bigger task, can I? Yeah. Yeah. And And and and, you know, I think as well as this prayer, as you were touching on just now, that in heaven God's will is done perfectly. His name is never dishonored and is a sense in which we want that reality here on Earth as well.

And so when we pray your kingdom come, we are praying that people would come to know King Jesus. But we are also praying that Jesus would return, aren't we? And we we want we want the fullness of God's kingdom to come on earth. And so we pray, Lord Jesus, your a kingdom come. And at the end of revelation, which we did in our very first corona chronicles, that is in 1 sense the final prayer, isn't it?

Like it? Miranda of it? Maranatha. Yeah. Maranatha.

Come lord Jesus. Come lord Jesus. You know, we we we want your kingdom to come. And, you know, you know, I've heard people say before, a test of kind of true Christian faith is whether we can pray that and really want it. Yeah.

Do we do we actually want that or not? Or are we quite content with doing, doing what we're doing here. But we we want I think all of this is about, we want Jesus the King to be seen and loved by as many people as possible. And and in that, the father is pleased. You know?

Yes. I mean, it is quite hard to pray that prayer while doing immoral things, isn't Yeah. It is. Yeah. Yeah.

So again, you know, we're not just meant to wheel these words out. We're meant to meditate on them. And have structure in our lives because it's yes, I I don't want to be about non kingdom stuff. That is going to do harm. Mhmm.

You know? Or as you were just saying, if if Christ came now, would he would he be saying, wow. Yeah. What are you doing that for? That's got nothing to do with the kingdom of God.

And therefore, this is such a good prayer, isn't it? And as you said at the start, it it does reboot us because you're right. It's gonna be hard for me to pray your kingdom come if I am just living an immoral life and not interested in the business of Christ. But But even as I pray this God in his graciousness is gonna realign my heart, isn't he? And he's gonna help me to see, yeah.

Tom, you know, if you're gonna pray that, you you know, you better start, you know, you better start, you know, living for me and and following me because otherwise, it's gonna be difficult to pray that, isn't it? When it when it Just back to that, your will be done. I was just sort of thinking. That not a vague prayer, is it? As if we don't know what his will is?

Mhmm. So some people will use that, won't they? They'll say something like, oh, well, God's will done. And it's sort of an excuse to, you know, it's like case or r sera, whatever will be will be. Yeah.

It's fake But actually, and it and it's not it it's not it's not a vague prayer. But but there is a will that he wants done, which is that that his son -- Mhmm. -- people will know about his son and come into the family, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah.

I think it's so good because this this prayer gives us the definition of that. And and 1 aspect of that is wanting Jesus' name to be to be honored. You know, what what else is God's will for us? Well, as we're gonna see in future sessions that we depend upon him every day, that we need him, that we recognize we're in a spiritual battle and we need help, that we are forgiving people and not sort of caustic, bitter, angry people. You know, that that's his will for us, isn't it?

Yeah. That we would be people like that. Yeah. And so So so it's not What I'm trying to say is it's not some vague -- No. -- that we don't know.

It's defined for us here, isn't it? Yeah. And also is you know, that's why we want to read the scriptures. This is his word, isn't it? Mhmm.

We want to find out his word. It's not like Oh, no 1 knows the will of God. We just have to sort of try and find it somehow. You know, maybe he'll expose us to it. But actually, he's given us his will in the Scriptures.

So so it's it's it's it's it's not some vague thing, I think. No. Yeah. Okay. Well -- Yeah.

-- perhaps we'll leave it there.

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