Truth To Tell Information Week - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Truth To Tell Information Week

July 20, 2020

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Cornerstone Church Kingston is running an information week on Facebook starting Monday 27th July covering the truth about God, People, the Bible, Sin and Jesus.

Join the Truth To Tell group now

Each day we will post a video explaining the day’s topic and some follow up resources. Group members can learn, comment and ask any question. It’s a chance for anyone to learn more about the topics at the heart of Christianity in a very easy, relaxed, and non-committal way. Simply check the group at any time each day for the information.

To take part, go to the Facebook group page called: Truth To Tell, and request to join. Or via the link at the end of this page. Please share with friends who you think might be interested. The information will be available from Monday, but you can join anytime beforehand.