The Lord Is My Shepherd - A Poem - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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The Lord Is My Shepherd – A Poem

February 16, 2021

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This beautiful poem, based on Psalm 23, is written by one of our church members as part of our “Acts of Kindness” month. In the midst of another national lockdown, “Acts of Kindness” month was introduced as an incentive to think of and do something kind for others. This poem was intended for our encouragement and we hope it continues to do the same for you. Scroll down to watch the video adaption, with words below.

‘The Lord God is my shepherd, He gives me  all I need.’
Is that an empty declaration, or heartfelt words that you believe?
Are His promises of pastures green and peaceful waters true?
Do you trust the Shepherd knows far more, what’s good and best for you?
Do you let Him guide your steps in  paths of holiness and right?
Or strain to go your own sweet way, with all your power and  might?
Do you fear the darkest valley and doubt the Shepherd’s staff?
Do you feel He leaves you wanting and alone on this life’s path?
Do you  question   what might lie ahead when you reach your journeys end?
If so, then let me  gently reassure you, my dear friend.

Everything you truly need,  is  found only in Him.
He laid His life down freely, to break the curse of death and sin.
He gives you rest and peace, and guides  the way that you should go;
And though death’s looming  shadow stalks you, it can’t deal a final blow.
No evil has dominion o’er  the Shepherd’s precious sheep,
He guards them with  ferocious love, for they are His to keep.
He’s rich in holiness and love
His blessings daily show.
He pours His goodness out on you, ’til your cup it overflows.
His love and mercy follow you and that will never cease.
Until you dwell eternally, with our sovereign
Prince of Peace.

Poem by Rose Marmion