Media Fast 2016 - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Media Fast 2016

January 19, 2016

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The book of Proverbs tells us that:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9. 10)

This is perhaps the central theme of the book – when we understand how awesome the LORD is and order our lives according to His Word, we will be truly wise.

And it’s for that reason that in the first week of February 2016 we will be having a Media Fast.

The Media Fast gives us as a congregation an opportunity to ‘fast’ form unnecessary and distracting media and to use the extra time to meet with one another and ‘feast’ upon the flawless words of God (Pr 30. 5).

In the past, the LORD has used the Media Fast to change Cornerstone in many wonderful ways and we’re praying that this year will be no exception.


So, what’s involved?

Well obviously, it involves fasting. Most of our homes are swamped with media devices such as smart phones, televisions, radios, computers, tablets etc. When used properly this technology can be a wonderful blessing, but so often it can lead to hours of wasted time.

During the Media Fast, we will attempt to abstain from unnecessary interaction with these devices outside of what might be required for us to perform our daily work.


So, what counts as ‘unnecessary?’

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter.
TV, Radio, YouTube, and other Video downloads.
Video, Console and Smartphone gaming etc.


But what will we do with the free time?

We want to use the time we have freed up to focus on God’s Word – especially the Proverbs. To that end, we have produced a reading program for the week which will be available shortly.

It would also be a good idea to spend some of your free hours reading a Christian book (suggestions below), listening to sermons*, memorising the Proverbs and learning a bit more about our missionaries.

* This may involve using technology, but that’s OK – we’re fasting from the unnecessary and the distracting forms of technology, not the helpful ones!


Is there anything else?

Yes! There will also be early morning meetings throughout the week where you can gather together with other members of the Church to pray and read the Proverbs.

In the evenings, there will be a number of different people opening up their homes across the borough for a simple meal, Bible reading and prayer.

Alongside that, there will be a Church prayer meeting on the Tuesday night (02.02), a few lunches for those who are free during the day, an opportunity to do some painting at the Hub etc.

In other words, you won’t be bored. There will be plenty to do and it’s worth signing up for as much as you can – you won’t regret it!


So what will happen at the end of the week?

On Friday night (05.05) we will be breaking the fast! In the past, we’ve done this by gathering together for a film and this year will be no exception.

This year, we are going to be showing two films at two different times – an early evening movie for families and a later one for everybody else (plus any parents who fancy a double bill)!


So, what should I do now?

In the weeks leading up the Media Fast there will be plenty of opportunities to sign up for the aforementioned activities.

Also, make a special effort to be at the morning service on Sunday the 31st of January – that’s where we’ll be receiving our ‘Media Fast packs’.

We hope you’re excited. It’s going to be a fantastic week. Please be praying that the LORD would use His Word to challenge, encourage and change our congregation.

Here’s a list of resources you might like to get hold of before the week begins:

“(Horton) provides a guide to a sustainable discipleship that happens over the long haul—not a quick fix that leaves readers empty with unfulfilled promises. Convicting and ultimately empowering, Ordinary is not a call to do less; it’s an invitation to experience the elusive joy of the ordinary Christian life.”

You can order a hard-copy of the book from You can also download it onto the Kindle if you have one.

Or, you can order and collect from the CLC Christian Bookstore (formally Re:fresh) in Tolworth.

  • Alongside this, you can also purchase the “Bible Experience audio Bible” from Itunes, or you can get a hard copy from This resource is a little bit more expensive, but it is extremely high quality and will be a good investment.
  • In the past we have suggested the biographies which are freely available on the DesiringGod website. These are deeply challenging, encouraging and well worth listening too. You can find them at: