Sermon – The Mind Part 2: Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking (Romans 12:1 – 12:2) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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The Mind Part 2: Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking

Pete Woodcock, Romans 12:1 - 12:2, 20 May 2018

Romans 12:1 - 12:2

12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


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And our reading is Romans chapter 12 verses 1 to 8. Framman's chapter 12. Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your bodies as living as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to god. This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is, his good, pleasing, and perfect will. For by the grace given me, I say to every 1 of you, do not think of yourself more highly than you ought but rather think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the faith god has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has 1 body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function. So in Christ, we, though many form 1 body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts according to the grace given each of us.

If your gift is prophesying, then prophecy in accordance with your faith. If it is serving, then serve. If it's if it is teaching, then teach If it is to encourage, then give encouragement. If it is giving, then give generously If it is if it is to lead, do it diligently. If it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Pete's gonna come now and preach this word to us. Well, we've been going through the book of Romans. We're on chapter 12, as we've just read, and we're just looking at those first 2 verses. Actually, we're just looking at the second verse of Romans 12. Let me read it and then I'll pray.

Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to god. This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed. By the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is.

His good, pleasing, perfect will. Father god, we pray again, please help us help us to take this sentence, and by your spirit, apply it to our minds, our hearts, our wills, our actions, the way we treat people, the way we treat ourselves, how we think about the world. Please help us in all of these areas we pray. In Jesus' name. Oh, man.

Now, let's just have a think about the the solar system. You know that the solar system and how it how it works. Basically, the planets are all to orbit around the sun. It's all sort of pretty obvious. We we know that We've known that for a long time.

And it's the sun that gives us light, and the sun gives us warmth, and therefore life to our planet, to the earth, obviously. If you get rid of the sun, then our planet dies you die, and all of the other planets will will start smashing into each other, and it's the end of the solar system. All they start orbiting around Jupiter or some other planet. Now that is exactly the same with the sun, the sun of god. The lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus is like the son. The son is like the son. You get rid of him and you start crashing into each other, things start going wrong. You start orbiting around another planet, and you'll find that all kinds of things will go wrong in life. Let me try to illustrate it from 2 stories in the last few weeks.

Last week, a man called David Goodall. I don't know whether you read about him. He was a respected botanist and, ecologist. He's the father of 4, he was the father of 4, and, the grandfather of 12 children. He took the long journey from Perth Australia, all the way to Switzerland to die by lethal injection.

His flight, this is, I think, bizarre, was paid for by donations from the public so that he could fly first class. And then die. It seems a total waste of money to him. You just shove him on cattle class as far as I can see, if he's gonna die anyway, But David was, a hundred and 4 years old, and, his reason to die was this. He he he didn't have any pain.

He was fairly well and well mentally, but his reason to die was that life had stopped being enjoyable. Life had stopped being enjoyable. But then he seems to contradict himself in the interview he did before he was executed. I still enjoy birdsong, but my lack of vision would seriously impair it. So his life was taken simply because he didn't enjoy life like he used to enjoy.

He wasn't gonna live for his 12 grandchildren. He wasn't gonna show them how to get old. He wasn't gonna show them how to suffer. He took his own life. Go back a few weeks earlier into April, and the toddler, Elphi Evans, you remember him?

He was not allowed to fly. He wasn't allowed to fly first class, and go to Italy with his parents. His parents wanted to take him to an Italian hospital, where they were where the doctors of the Italian hospital were and surgeons were prepared to to do some kind of different and new treatment on him. There was no cost gonna be to the NHS. The parents had paid and raised the money.

Even Italy gave him, Italian citizenship, Little Elphi, so that he could go to the doctors, and the doctors were there, ready, waiting to care for Elphi, immediately. It was a last resort. There's no doubt about it, but people and including the doctors and surgeons, in Italy, thought it was really worth a go, but the British courts, because of the medical people over in this country, refused to allow Elphi to fly to Italy. And so they under his life support, and in a few days, he died. There are 2 stories, just 2 stories.

We could pick on lots and lots of things, but doesn't that make you wonder What is the thinking? What is the thinking going on here in those 2 stories? What what are what are people orbiting around? It it feels like it isn't a sun that gives life. It feels like it's more like being sucked into a black hole that brings death.

What is it about our culture that seems to so hurry people into death? Well, what what is that black hole that's sucking us in? What is it about our culture that on the 1 hand puts humans at the center of the universe, but on the other hand wants to treat human life so So poorly, so lacking of value that you would kill and allow 1 to die. What is it about our culture? What is it about our culture that has more health and safety rules, more safeguarding rules for protecting children than any society in the whole of the history of mankind, rules to make you treat children properly, and yet you're not allowed as a parent to fly your child.

To Italy to save his life. What is it? What is it about our culture that has all of these health and safety rules All of these safeguarding rules intensely so many of them more and more and more coming in. To save children, supposedly, but we will give freely 6 year old children massive hormones to stop their body doing that, which is natural and turning into a mature male or a mature female. What is it about our society that would do that?

And the answer is this, the mindset the belief system, the thinking, the center in which we orbit. We put ourselves at the center, and in the end, planets crash into planet. And it drives us into actions of death, not life. So there is a a wrong orbit. There's a wrong view of life.

Because we're orbiting around the wrong thing. There's a wrong view of people. There's a wrong view of death. There's a wrong view of eternity and what happens after death. There's a wrong view of morality.

There's a wrong view because there is no view of god. We've got the wrong center. In which we're orbiting. If the mind only orbits or if we only orbit around the thinking of unenjoyable life, you'll soon find it easy to bring death. Do you see that?

So it all starts in the mind. It all starts in the thinking. There was a really great, philosopher of the last century called France's schaeffer. He was really good, worth reading his books even, even today. And he used to say that a culture is change the the way you change a culture is that it it starts at the top and it works its way down.

It starts very intellectual and grand and sometimes just you know, too hefty to really think about, but it works its way down into the banal and stupid. That's what he used to say a lot. So it starts with the philosopher putting man at the center of the universe instead of god, and then it works down into the arts. So that arts are producing that philosophy for the visual so that we are taken up with it visually. It goes down into the educationalists, so that we then teach our children that philosophy, and then it ends up in popular opinion, really at the popular level.

In other words, what he was saying is that there is a system. There is a pattern. There is a world conformity as the world preaches and assaults our minds. And therefore, when it's assaulted our minds with its philosophy, in all kinds of different ways from intellectual to just popular movements, then the actions come. Mind first then action.

That's what he said. I mean, think about where we are now on the popular level. We're in Adland, aren't we? There's adverts everywhere. You just can't get away from Adverts, Adland.

I couldn't understand Why as I was typing this sermon, yesterday, adverts for bras kept coming up, bra adverts And I thought, what what what what's going on? And then I realized I wanted to find out when the FA Cup was. But I'd missed put FA in. I'd just put F cup. I didn't even know there was an F cup.

And suddenly adverts for bras were coming up as I was doing this and Anne came in and these adverts for bras were up. And so I felt a little bit my goodness. What's going on here? And I didn't really know until I went back and saw I'd put f cup in. Adverts everywhere.

It's not the grace of god that we're revolving around. It's adverts. It's banal. Use me, take me, buy me, drink me, eat me, sleep with me, drive me, own me, see me, feel me, touch me, half truths, slogans, platitudes, false news, all to keep us entertained, All to keep us happy, all to keep myself at the center of everything. That's the popular version.

Of the philosophies of narcissism and solipsism and humanism. Karl Marx, said that religion is is the opiate of the people, but here's the opiate of the people just to keep us happy in the center of our own being. 1 writer, Carl Bernstein, wrote, wrote this. He says we are moved towards the creation of a sleazoid infotainment culture. In this new culture of journalistic titillation, we teach our readers and viewers that the trivial is significant that the lurid and the loopy are more important than real news.

We do not serve our readers and our viewers. We pander to them. For the first time in our history, the weird and the stupid and the course are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideals. Quite condemning of where we are, isn't it? He wrote that in a in a book called idiot Culture.

Now, Paul says, in the middle of this world, where people are revolving around a false sun that is destroying them and bringing death. Paul says, I'm telling you that the mark of a Christian The thing that marks a Christian out is a new mind, a new way of thinking, Look what he says. Do not conform to the pattern. Do not conform to the system. Do not conform to center of gravity of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, by the renewing of your minds.

Get the mind right. Get the mind on the center. And the solar system of your life will work out properly. Actually, he's been teaching us about the mind for a long time. Just go back with you to Romans chapter 8.

I've got a couple of turnings in the Bible today. But Romans chapter 8, and you'll see that Paul's already been dealing with the difference of the Christian mind. Just Romans chapter 8 in verse 5, 6, and 7. You'll see it. First of all, he says that there is a different mind that the Christian has.

Look at verse 5. Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires. Their minds is set on the flesh on the desires of this of this world of the body only. But those who live in accordance with the spirit, that's the spirit of god, have their mind set on the spirit's desire. So there's a new mindset for the Christian.

The mind is governed by different sets of rules and principles. He's saying. Yeah? The mind is governed by a very different thing if you're if you're a chris if you're a Christian. You're under a new power.

You're under the power of the Holy Spirit. God. Then look, you'll see that there's a different outcome or different fruit to this mindset. Look at verse 6. The mind governed by the flesh is death.

If you're controlled just by an enjoyable life, it actually brings death so that a hundred and 4 year old has no reason to live. So that we we say that little elf is life is not enjoyable, so we don't allow him to go for anything that might possibly heal him. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed ruled by the spirit. That's god. He's life and peace.

Life and peace. So it's death versus life and peace. And then there's a different attitude towards god. Look at verse 7. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to god.

It does not submit to god's law nor can it do. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please god. And then he goes on and says, but the mind governed by the spirit is in love with god. Christians have different mindsets different fruits and outcomes from those mindsets and a different attitude to god. Being a follower of the lord Jesus Christ, is never just outward conformity to a set of strange religious laws.

It's so much deeper than that. It's so much more radical than that. It's none other than god, the spirit coming into our lives, breaking into our hearts, into our minds, taking on the very driving seat of our attitudes and our desires, and it renews us and transforms us from the center out because we have god at the center. The son, the son of the living god, is the center, and all of our life, and all of our attitudes, and all of what we are revolve around him, and then they're put in their proper places. And it's all because of god's mercy to us.

See, Romans's 12 verse 1 and 2 again? These are such significant verses. Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy. To offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to god. This is true and proper worship.

Do not conform to the pattern, to the solar system of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, all because of the mercies of god our mindsets are now driven by the Holy Spirit. God is at the center. All because of the mercies of god, That driven life has life and peace instead of death and destruction, or because of the mercies of god, We're no longer hostile to god, but we love him because he first loves us. You see the difference? The mind does.

So Paul says renew your minds. Understand these things. Living the light of them. Go around them in that gravitational pull with god at the center. Or you could take the old blues song that sums it all up.

I'm gonna change my way of thinking. Gonna live by a different set of rules. Gonna change my way of thinking. It's what I love about blues songs. They're always very simple, and they repeat themselves in case you miss it.

So let me start again. Gonna change my way of thinking. Gonna make myself a different set of rules gonna change my way of thinking. Gonna make myself a different set of rules. Gonna put my good foot forward stop being influenced by fools.

That's what Paul is saying. It's your mind changed to god's Set your patterns around god as the center. Yeah? Now let me just say this because, Dean rightly said, last week. He he didn't want us to think that when I talk about the mind, that you've got I'm talking about some kind of intellectual you know, academic thinking.

Let me tell you this. I was I finished school at 16. I have had no more formal education than 16. And actually, if you look at my education up until 16, That was a waste of time. It was nonsense.

It was done by old blokes that had come out of the war and they didn't know what to do with them and give them jobs and they gave them jobs in the school that I was in, and all they could think of was whacking you. Yeah? They didn't know anything about anything. So I'm not talking about formal academic education, but I am saying that Christian thinking is foremost to see that god loves us, and we love him. It's about love, it's about submission to him and what he's done for us.

So Paul says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is, his good, and pleasing, and perfect will. Do you see what this renewed mind will do? The first thing I I want you to see that it does is that the aim of the renewed mind or the mind renewal is to orbit around god. That's the aim.

Then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is. His good, pleasing, perfect will. Do you see that? When your mind is renewed, you'll suddenly see how good god is. You'll suddenly see, oh, that's why.

And, oh, the planets work. If I remove god, then there's chaos in my life and in the universe. And death and destruction is what will worship. You will be able to test and approve the will of god. In other words, you'll be able to prove that living god's way is absolutely the way to live.

This is the best way to live. Now those 2 terms, those 2 words that we've got in our version, test and approve actually just come from from, 1 word, which is to prove. You'll be able to prove the word of God, but it's not just prove that it's true, but you'll actually be able to appreciate it. Live in the light of it. You'll taste that the lord is good.

It's not just that you'll look at it and say, woah, that looks good, but actually you'll get involved in eating it and saying, woah, hey, this is good. You know, taste and see that the lord is good. You immerse yourself. In the word of god, you put god's word at the center of gravity of your life and you start to see that god makes sense and the more you put god into the center of your life, the more you see Oh, that makes sense. That makes sense.

And the clearer that becomes the more you're transformed and the more you're transformed, the more you worship god. It's a sort of circular gravitational pull that sorts you out. You're involved in the plans of god, and you appreciate the plans of god. You prove that it's right. Now, I want you to see just how big Christianity is here at this point.

You know, sometimes we think it's just a little religion add on to life, but it's not that. It's a totally new solar system. Salvation, of course, as we've already seen is about be give being forgiven of our sin, but it's so much more than that. Sovation is about being freed from sin and satan and hell, but it's so much more than that salvation may bring lots of experiences in in this life, but it's so much more than that. The ultimate aim of salvation.

The ultimate aim of the Christian life is to bring us into conformity at 1 with god And when we're at 1 with god, we say, wow, this is life. This is peace. This is what it's all about. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. But be transformed by the renewing of your minds, then then when your mind is renewed, then you'll be able to test and approve what god's will is, his good and pleasing and perfect will.

By the way, it's quite interesting because the word that is used for test and approve here Paul only uses it once other than this place in the whole of the book of Romans. And it's back in Romans chapter 1. And verse 28. You don't need to turn to it, but you can do if you want to. It's when he's speaking about wrong sexual practices, things people do with their body that are like planets crashing into each other.

He he says that because they've got rid of god, because they orbit around their sexual desire. Because They refuse to put god as god. They do orbit around this desire. Then it's a disaster. Listen to how he puts it.

Since they did not think, notice the thinking word, the mind word. Since they did not think it was worthwhile to retain the knowledge of god. That's the word, test and and prove god's will. Since they got rid of god, he gave them over to a depraved mind. He let them continue in their gravitational pull towards their own desires.

And it's a disaster. They've excluded god, and now they'll ain't going towards the black hole. That's what he's saying. Now, How do you get from Romans 1 to Romans 12 by the renewing of the mind? By putting god back where he belongs.

By god being the center of the solar system of your affections, and your attitudes and your words and your actions. When god, that glorious, massive, blendent reality, which is god, is back in your life, then his wonderful, loving mercies, the gravitational pull, pulls in your life so that every aspect of your life every planet in your solar system begins to spin the right way. And you will discover Paul is saying. How good that is, not to have your desires at the center. How good that is, how wonderful it is to discover that god in his gracious sun like way has life and light and peace, and not death and destruction.

See that? 1 of the greatest proofs that you are a real Christian that you are born again that you are converted is that you've changed your mind about god. The natural mind about god is that he's either a sort of a nasty sort of bloke that stops us enjoying life. A lot of people think that wrong. Or they think that god's just an errand boy to sort of, you know, jump our our desires.

He's just an errand boy. Where is he? Why does he do what I want? But when you see that god is god, When you understand the mercies of God, when you understand that, when he's there in the center, then suddenly you see how good he is. Then you'll be able to test and approve god's will.

He's good, pleasing will. So the aim of mind renewal is to get you to orbit around god. That's the first thing. Here's the second thing. The mind renewal begins to prove that god is good and glorifies our creator.

And as you glorify your creator for who he is, you prove that he's good. See, your proper use of the mind really does glorify our creator. You've got to get this. Who is god? God is not some dumb idle.

He's not just some force out there. He's not something that you can just calculate and say, well, there must be a god. Of course, there must be a god when you look at the universe. He's not some unknown force. Now, god is a speaking god.

He is a communicating god. He is a thinking god. He thinks he acts He speaks, he communicates. He's an intelligent god, not a dumb idol, and he made us in his image. To use our minds so that we wouldn't be dumb and unintelligent.

So in the Garden of Eden, God gave commands, he gave questions, he walked with Adam and Eve. You could know god. They were able to understand god. How through the mind. They could respond to god.

So god has given us in nature and in scripture, the Bible, this double intelligent revelation of himself so that all scientific research comes from the fact that the universe is intelligible, meaningful. You can look at something, investigate something, get facts, get data, and you can think about it. It's a thinking universe because god has created us to think. And therefore, it's not it's not an accident at all that many of the pioneers of modern science were full on bible believing evangelical Christians. They believed in god.

Many of them. Someone said this, every scientist is thinking god thoughts after him. That's all a scientist does. He thinks what god has already thought after god had thought it, and he discovers it. So, oh, that's what you'd thought.

So we are to use our minds to work the soil, to work this world, to be scientific investigators to gaze at the world and wonder and ask questions. But what a a scientific investigator is is to do we as bible readers are to do. This is even fuller revelation of himself. And so as we read the Bible, we're thinking god's thoughts after god has already thought them. And so we apply our minds.

And so doing this brings glory to god because he created us not just to respond to adverts in emotional ways but to think, to look, and think, and listen, not to stagnate and sit and sit in judgment over god's revelation but to explore and to dig and to dig into the revelations of the word of god so that we understand who god is so that we worship him better. So that we understand the design and intricacy that god has put into this universe and love it. He's beautiful. He's a magnificent designer. But also so we could see and understand what sin has done and how it's ruined this universe.

We become worshipers. We glorify god in our minds. As we investigate, as we think, as we use them as god has created us to use, and we understand him more and more and his mercies. There's an old hymn. It's a wonderful old hymn.

Listen to it. Loved with everlasting love led by grace that love to know. So as you understand god, you understand your loved with an everlasting love, and the grace of god leads you so you'll know that love even more. Know it in your mind. Spirit breathing from above, you have taught me.

It is so. It's the mind. Oh, what full and perfect peace joy and wonder all divine in a love which cannot cease. Oh, I am his and he is mine. The hymn is teaching your mind, then it goes on.

As you look at creation, as you as reward scientists to some degree looking at the world, and as we should be. Anyway, heaven above is softer blue. There's something about when you understand who god is, Heaven above is softer blue. Earth around is richer green. Something lives in every hue.

It's not talking about a bloke called hue, but everything. In the world, priceless eyes have never seen, songs of birds in sweetness grow, flowers, with deeper beauties shine since I know as I am know, I am his and he is mine. When god is at the center of your life, When you understand that you are his and he is yours, then actually everything seems to take on a revelation from god. You look at the birds? All this week, I've been studying starlings, a starling that's living up in my roof.

I tell you what, if you think the royal wedding was interest This is more interesting. What's going on with the styling? He's already had 1 set of babies that fledged, and now he's after another woman, but he's got a place, but no woman. He's got a house, but no woman. So he's constantly from 5 o'clock in the morning, actually earlier now, he's on my roof going like this to get a woman.

Women come by. He's really going in. He goes and he picks a leaf from my tree of leaf And he's, woo, woo, flashing it. I just put up some lovely flowers in a hanging basket. The flipping thing goes and picks the flower.

It picks the flower for the woman. It's sitting on top with a flower that I planted And it's going, and the silly women are flying past. Anyway, that's totally irrelevant, but you suddenly see god's workings in all kinds of things. So the aim of a renewed mind is that your little god. And secondly, is to prove that god is the glorious god as we glorify him with our minds and look around and under stand the mercies I've got.

Here's the third thing. Quickly, the renewed mind begins to prove that god is so good that it enriches my life. It enriches my life. You will go wrong in the area of your spiritual experience if you don't have understanding of who god is and his word. You will go wrong.

Look, get this. Faith and reason or faith and the mind are never set up against each other. In the Bible. Never. Faith and sight, faith and experience are set against each other.

We live by faith, not by sight, but faith and reason, faith and the mind always in the Bible go together. You cannot have faith if you're not using your mind to understand god more and more. Faith is not, as someone said, an illogical belief in the occurrence of the impossible, that is not faith. Faith is thinking trust. Listen to Psalm 9 verse 10.

Just Psalm 9 verse 10. Have a listen. Those who not talking to god, those who know your name, now name in the Bible means your whole character, your whole person, those who know your name will trust in you. You see that? Those who know who you are god Those who have an understanding of who he is, that he is the good god, that his will is good, and perfect.

Those who understand that will actually have faith, will actually trust. You'll prove that he is good as you use your mind to know him. Do you see that? If you wanna grow in faith, you do need to get your mind. I'm not talking about some academic stuff.

But get your mind into the truths of god. You may not be able to read. Doesn't matter. Listen to stuff. Use your mind.

The whole trouble with a person of little faith is that they don't think or they think wrongly. They allow their circumstances to bludgeon them their depression, their anxiety, to bludgeon them. And that's of little faith. But those with faith will think and not allow circumstances to beat them up. Just see what Jesus says.

Honestly, this is the last thing to turn to, and we are nearly done. But just go to Matthew chapter 6 and see how Jesus tells us to use our minds. It's all about the birds, by the way. He tells us to use our minds. Matthew 6 and verse 25.

Here's Jesus speaking on the sermon on the Mount. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life. Well, I do worry, but do not. What you will eat or drink or about your body and what you will wear, then he asked this question. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes?

The answer is yes. Then he says this, look, You see it? Look. That word means ponder. That word means think.

That word means apply your mind. Look, ponder, think. Look at the birds. Look at the birds of the air. Do they not they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, except my flowers in the in the theme, and yet your heavenly father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any 1 of you by worrying at a single hour to your life? Think. Look at the birds. Ponder, or look at the next thing.

And why do you worry about your clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow? They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like 1 of these. If that is how god clothes the grass of the field, which are here today and thrown into, into the fire, and tomorrow thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you? You of little faith.

So think Look. See how the flowers. It's the same word as look at the birds. It's ponder. Think.

Look at the birds. Look at the flowers. Do you see? That's a scientific mind, really. It's investigating god's world.

It's seeing god's world. And then applying it to the hearts and preaching it to the mind. Understand. Think As I was saying last week, preach the word to yourself. Don't allow yourself to preach to yourself.

That's a desire. That's a disaster rather. Preach the word of god to yourself. You see a wedding. You see a splendid wedding.

You see a fairy tale wedding. You see the dress that everybody was going on about looked pretty ordinary to me, but everybody seemed to love it. Look at it, glorious, the flowers, the dress, the pomp, the ceremony, Yeah? Look at that. It's like Solomon.

But god is the god of Solomon. There's a wedding that's far bigger than that wedding, and you're invited, and you're the bride, and priced is the bridegroom, and there'll be all the pomp and all the ceremony of all the angels in all the universe. And you will be there. And the food will be better than what Carl could make in the little dungeon underneath Windsor Castle, and the cake will be, wow, created by the creator for his bride, his son, and his bridegroom. It's a wonderful thing.

Look, think, preach, put god at the center and orbit around him, and everything's a sermon. Everything is beautiful. Everything preaches Christ to us. So change your way of thinking. And when you change your way of thinking and orbit around god's thinking, We become 1 with god, and we have a satisfied mind.

It'll be wonderful to have a satisfied mind, wouldn't it? A mind that is satisfied. And that leads me into the introduction of the song that the band is going to sing called satisfied mind. How many times, if you heard someone say, if I had money, I would do things my way. That's the problem with money.

It gives you power to do things your way and collide into other planets. But a satisfied mind is to know god. Let's hear this song and ponder on some of the things that we've heard and what we need to do to change our way of thinking.

Preached by Pete Woodcock
Pete Woodcock photo

Pete is Senior Pastor of Cornerstone and lives in Chessington with his wife Anne who helps oversee the women’s ministry in the church.

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